Eye floaters examination in your city
Consider getting evaluated for laser treatment of floaters in your city to determine if you are a candidate with 90% certainty. Visit your eye doctor, but note that many may not be familiar with the procedure and might discourage it. Key findings from the exam should be that the doctor can see your floaters, they are not close to the lens or retina, and a vitreous detachment is present.
If your doctor can’t find the floaters, I might not be able to either, making the trip unfruitful. Print this page, cut it at the horizontal line, and take the bottom part to your ophthalmologist. Also, print and show the Case Photographs from our website.
Doctor, please evaluate if this patient is a candidate for laser disruption of vitreous floaters using our criteria. We can usually clear large floaters, including Weiss rings. (Use a direct ophthalmoscope about 6 inches from the eye, focus behind the lens, and with a well-dilated pupil, have the patient look to the sides and back to the center to find the floaters, then move the focus toward the retina.)

These Patients Probably Are Strong Candidates For Floater Disruption If:
- You, the doctor, can readily see the floaters.
- The floaters are not especially close to the lens or retina.
- There is a vitreous detachment (a helpful but not necessary finding).
- The patient is bothered by the floaters.
- They have had the floaters at least two months with no real improvement.
- (Both single and multiple floaters can typically be treated successfully.)
These Patients Are Not Strong Candidates For Floater Disruption If:
- Have floaters far out of the central visual axis.
- Their floaters are from asteroid hyalosis or vitreous hemorrhage.
- Have unreasonable psychological symptoms attached to their floaters.