Seeing Washington, D. C
(There are no restrictions on activities the days of surgery. You are free in the afternoons. Your eye may sting slightly for an hour after surgery.)
To see the sights, here are three websites: Get on and off tours at, phone 1-888-910-8687;; Martz Gray Line of Washington DC is, phone (301) 839-5261.

Using the Metro
If you have never used the Metro or are familiar only with mass rail transit in other cities, you may find Metro an adventure in itself. Keep in mind that when using Metro you buy a fare card in a machine at the station entrance and use that same card to exit. Put enough money into the fare card machine for your round trip. Ask the station attendant to tell you how much you need.)
This method is especially useful for locating small floaters in young patients and is revealing when patients draw floaters larger than they are.
Dr. Corrales has perfected this method, allowing patients to see and differentiate floaters, draw them to scale, and sign the drawing. The drawing is then photographed upside down and added to their electronic record. Dr. Corrales views the photograph to see the floater in its true position in the eye. The patient’s drawing guides Dr. Corrales’ examination, and comparisons are made between the drawing and actual photographs before surgery.
Four steps documentation:

Museums and Memorials
The Smithsonian Institution (on the Mall in D.C.) is comprised of a number of museums. The National Air and Space Museum remains the most visited museum in the world. If you go there be sure to take advantage of a free guided tour and see one or more of the half-hour IMAX movies, notably “To Fly.”
A newer and expanding aircraft museum, part of the Smithsonian, is located just south of the Dulles Airport (in Virginia) — and like all the Smithsonian museums it’s free! It has a variety of fantastic IMAX movies as well. Parking is $15/car. You can get there by driving west on the Dulles Toll Road and getting off at Sully Road (Route 28) and heading south about 3-1/2 miles until you see the signs. The new aircraft museum is really rather impressive and has such originals as the Enola Gay, the SR71, etc. Definitely take one of the free tours. The docents are unusual people, typically former jet design engineers or pilots. Allow at least 2 hours.
The national gem collection, which includes the Hope Diamond, is in the National Museum of Natural History (on the Mall in D.C.). The National Gallery of Art, including its East Wing, is close to the National Air and Space Museum and contains exceptional exhibits. The Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial and Korean and Vietnam Veterans Memorials are located relatively close to one another along the Mall. If you visit these monuments, spend a few minutes and visit the Einstein statue just across the street from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The Library of Congress is a wonderful building well worth seeing (inside and/or out), as is the nearby Capitol Building.
The World War II Memorial is located on the Mall and you can get there by driving (go early to find nearby street parking) or taking the Metro. The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial is an inspiring memorial for those who know about American history. It is walking distance from the Smithsonian Metro station, adjacent to the World War 2 Memorial. There may be limited parking along Ohio Drive eastbound.
Not far away is the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, adjacent to the Smithsonian at 14th and Independence. It is a superb historical presentation of WW2 atrocities. (Tickets must be arranged either through a ticket agency — or you can try your luck at the door if you get there early. They always have some tickets for those who arrive early enough. Call 202.488.0400. You can also call PROTIX: 800.400.9373 (or 703.218.6500, a local call) for anything in the area requiring tickets.)
The Museum of the Bible 400 Fourth St., SW has a virtual reality (3D) tour of Holy Land’s famous sites not to be missed. They also have a flight simulator flyover of Washington, D.C. that is very realistic (like you are in a flying drone).
Nearby are the new Martin Luther King Memorial, the American Indian Museum, and the Library of Congress. In town there is Ford’s Theater, where Lincoln was shot.
If you are fond of the performing arts, museum highlights and hours are available in the Weekend Guide insert to Friday’s Washington Post.